
what can i do my beautiful friend

what can i do my beautiful friend
i love you but for you i’m strange
i have a russian name
i wear glasses
i admit to loving other girls
and countries

my beautiful friend
we share the same language
we speak about freedom and identity
success and respect
but your hair are blond
and mine are bleached

my beautiful friend
my grandfathers fought on different sides
and our country was alone between them
ruled raped and still not broken

my beautiful friend
i love you but for me you are strange
sometimes i feel so close to you
and the mist over your valleys
and the people in your trams
and those majestic concrete buildings
but then again
when you tell me stop
when you tell me to prove myself
all the time
and if you have your beaten drunk brothers
freeze to death in january
i find you strange

i am strange to you
and you are strange to me
and if two souls feel so strange
to each other
they are not
to be separated

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